Thursday, September 29, 2016

Out of the CTM, Into Natal!

August 29, 2016 

Dear Meyer Family,
It is our pleasure to let you know that Elder Meyer arrived safely here in the Brazil Natal Mission. Every time new missionaries arrive, we train them about the specifics of missionary work in our mission’s region; we teach them about the local culture and what things they will need to do to keep themselves healthy and safe.
We are extremely grateful for this precious opportunity to get to know them better.  We greatly enjoy this time with the new missionaries. 
In our call letter, the First Presidency declared:
“The missionaries that are ordained to work under your presidency will depend on you to receive designations, guidance and to be motivated to work with all of their strength. To a certain point, they are trusted to your custody. They will need your understanding and your solidary counsel.  An essential element of your leadership is to become close to them.”
We will do everything within our reach to magnify our calling and to help our dear missionaries become what the Lord wants them to become.
We are grateful to serve alongside your daughter in this part of the Lord´s “vineyard”.
Through the full time service of your son, your family will be greatly blessed. We hope that you encourage your missionary in your weekly correspondences and other contacts, and we promise you that as you support her fully through these two years of work, this service will become a marvelous blessing for the rest of his life.
We thank you for trusting your son to us. We know that we already love Elder Meyer, and we will take care of him as if he were our own.

President Eliseu Colleoni Sister Tania Colleoni

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