Monday, September 4, 2017

Birthday week!

August 21, 2017-

To start out, this week was great.  My birthday ended on a crazy good note.  We celebrated all Sunday and Monday, then Tuesday was my year mark and then today some members are setting up a little fiesta for me.  I love the people here.  They hook it up fat for birthdays.  I feel like everybody in the town knew it was my birthday.  It was classic, we were walking down the street and this girl that works in a restaurant shouted out my name and said “parabens” (congratulations).  Then two different groups of people threw a surprise party for me, it was funny.  

It was a great week to be real.  But the best part was when me and my comp got stopped by a lady in the middle of the street and she told us to go and talk with her daughter.  So we went and met her daughter.  She is super cool.  She is 24 and a physical therapist.  And so we started talking with her about everything and long story short, she came to church with us and loved it and was super interested the whole time so we are planning on getting her lined up for baptism for the end of this week.  It was the miracle of the week for sure.  And so we found our golden investigator after a few weeks of hard work.  

By the way, thanks for all the birthday wishes.  I loved it.  But that’s how my week went.

Elder Meyer

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